
Taking inspiration from some of my fellow bloggers who have secret blogs to vent out all the world’s frustration or observations, I’ve decided to set up a ‘secret’ blog of my own.

I’m a shopaholic…um… right now more of a window shopaholic (thank you recession) who is married to a workaholic who was once a self proclaimed spendthrift until he married me.

I am working on being a lil less honest and blunt as asked by husband since a) that gets us into trouble and b) I’m married and have in-laws to deal with. I try to cook, travel, read, write all while I am trying to enjoy (read: survive) marriage. My husband is awesome but just needs a lil tweaking and trimming. I have no kids and don’t plan on having any right now at least. They’re pretty annoying esp on long distance flights after you fought your way to get the front row seat hoping to get off the flight soon…lil did you know.

Ahh the In-laws. Who loves them? I don’t. I’m sorry and as I say all this I feel kinda bad in coming across as rude but I just can’t deal with them. Right from the MIL (mother in-law) to FIL as well as the SIL (sis in-law). I can’t. You’ll hate me but even their kid is kinda annoying.

Since I can’t rant about it to my husband I decided to turn to you. Anybody out there who shares the same please feel at home to talk about it. It’s all between us from one married woman to another…married men or just about anybody who wants to rant or read my rants are welcome. Promise.

I am 23. I just started driving and live in the garden state of NJ. We’re blog-o-friends with with the power of anonymity and hence what is said here stays here. Promise.

2 responses to “About

  1. evavgoodmil

    Rant all you need at my blog. I am listening, and so do sympathetic other DILs.
    At 23 and unhappy? What is going to happen to you at 43? Take charge of your life

    • Oh I’m sorry if I came across as unhappy.
      I am happy. I find happiness easily and just the same I find a way to get into trouble. So I’m just sharing my blog to those who can find humor out of any situation.

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